ALL THE TROUBLES is the inaugural collaboration between UMG and the collective All Of Us. All Of Us consists of five artist and curator members, based in the Bay Area, San Diego, the East Coast, and Mexico City.
Artists: Brett Amory, Karla Centeno, Gabriella Grill, Miguel Monroy, Joshua Moreno.

All of us, a collective force,
Five artists, each with a unique source.
Drawing, painting, and video, too,
Our exhibit is a creative breakthrough.
Our ideas flow like a river, unending,
Haikus of dreams, fantasies, and heartrending.
Men in parks, in San Francisco and San Diego,
Reflections of our world, in a new light aglow.
Digital technology and AI,
We explore in our art, what’s to come and what’s to be.
Puncture drawings, laborious and true,
Expressions of our transition, a journey in view.
Come, join us on this path, we’ve created,
Our exhibit is not to be underrated.
All of us, a collective dream,
Our art, a reflection of our theme.
Opening reception January 13, 5-8pm
13 January – 11 February